Call for Papers

The TICEFA 2024 conference theme will be “The Interconnections of Finance - Quantum Finance : Exploring the Frontiers between Quantum Physics and Quantum Computing”.

This conference aims to:

  • Facilitate the exchange of knowledge and ideas among researchers, academics, practitioners, and industry professionals in the field of quantum finance.
  • Highlight how quantum computing, quantum algorithms, and other quantum-inspired approaches can address challenges and open new possibilities in financial modeling, optimization, and risk management.
  • Contribute to the education and awareness of quantum finance concepts.
  • Facilitate networking opportunities among conference participants and create an environment that encourages interaction, collaboration, and formation of professional connections.
  • Inspire and stimulate future research on quantum finance.
  • The conference is intended to be multidisciplinary. As such, we welcome submissions in English or French in areas of business, finance, Fintech, accounting, entrepreneurship, and economics, among others.


Main tracks include but are not limited to :

  • Track 1: Quantum Finance: applications of quantum physics and quantum computing to finance
  • Track 2: Fintech, cryptocurrencies and financial innovation
  • Track 3: Digitalization of financial services and artificial intelligence
  • Track 4: Financial inclusion and financial literacy
  • Track 5: Recent crises and geopolitics effects on financial markets and banking system
  • Track 6: Sustainable finance, responsible investment and climate change
  • Track 7: Risk management and derivatives
  • Track 8: Financial markets, commodities and energy markets
  • Track 9: Innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Track 10: Corporate finance and corporate governance
  • Track 11: Accounting, auditing and taxation
  • Track 12: Economic development and circular economy 

Interested authors can submit their complete papers (in PDF files), no later than  February 15, 2024 via the conference website:  Submit your Paper

Note: The first page of your submission must contain the title, authors’ names and affiliations, and the presenting author’s contact details. 

To be able to submit your paper you will be asked to register in the scienceconf website and create an account if you don' have one.


Note that when you create your account for the first time, you will receive an email from Sciencesconf asking you to validate your account creation request. Click on the validation link provided in the email to validate your account creation.


IMPORTANT: once you have clicked on that link, you might receive an error message like 'invalid token' or 'this page does not exist'. It does not matter, your account has been created successfully - and you can then log in to the website by clicking 'Login'.


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